Published on Banda Musicale Cittadina di Darfo Boario Terme (http://www.bandadarfo.eu)


Autore: R. Gaetano

Altre informazioni: arr. V. Alberti

Rino Gaetano was the author of passionated and lashed songs. Championi of the South and of the explotited people, enemy of all the politicians, he is still one of the cult songwriten on the Italian scene. He sang a grotesque Italy in theyears of the Sixties tensions. After a premature death, his songs has been recived during the years and in some cases plundered by later authors. This is due to the fact that its social denouncement, always hidden behind the irony of his rhymes, is still topical. Darfo City Band inserted in his repertory a medley of this disobeied and irreverent singer’s successes. Vittorio Alberti’s arrangement links with musical coherence the reggae of “Nuntereggae Più” (published in 1978) with the famous “Gianna” (dated 1979) and the success date d1975 “E’ il cielo è sempre più blu”. This score was written and prepared for the Darfo Cuty Band participation to the closure Day of the festival “Dallo Sciamano allo Showman”, Brescia October 07th 2006.

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